Erosion has been with us since the world was created and it is quickly defined as the earth being eroded by water. Have you ever heard, “everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it?” For years, erosion control was out of the question, and we had very little control over it. Today there are a great number of products that have been created to help mankind control erosion via erosion control application.
Some products sound like a good title for a science fiction movie. There are products such as sediment control products, hydraulic erosion control, photo degradable erosion control, biodegradable erosion control, permanent turf reinforcement, and residential seed protection. Explained for the layman, these all work because vegetation is utilized to stabilize the ground and once it is firmly established, erosion is no longer capable of harming the area. Many of the methods used today for erosion control were created through the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
There are though, certain instances where vegetation is not all that’s needed. Occasionally some properties can greatly benefit by having work done that involves filling the land, performing excavations or simply the grading of the land. Often in order to perform these measures, a permit will be required from the applicable governing body. Thus, if you are doing this without the help of a licensed gardener you may conceivably receive a citation. Do check first if you are trying to accomplish this yourself.
It also depends on whether you wish your erosion control application to be temporary or permanent. Temporarily many professionals agree that the best method is to utilize straw and a tackifier. Often this may be utilized to prepare a construction site for winterization. Longer applications may be needed and not just for the winter season at which point a bonded fiber matrix may be utilized. Bonded fiber matrix is composed of a hydraulically applied blanket, or hydraulic erosion products (HECP's) that cover the area thoroughly with a composition of interlocking strands of wood fibers. Another erosion control application concerns rolled erosion control products (RECP's), and also sediment retention fiber rolls (SRFR's).
In order to decide which modern method is best for you, begin your quest by contacting Open Earth Landscaping located right here in Vermont. Not only do they understand all of these terms but also they will know which application to use for your specific problem. Their expertise in these matters is invaluable. The point being that the wrong application may cost you tremendous amounts of money in the long run.
Of course Open Earth Landscaping is but one company among so many in the United States dealing with all manner of erosion control applications, however their mission is to work with all the regulatory bodies involved in erosion control. Only by working together will all users of any erosion control application comply thoroughly with the current stringent and the future erosion/sediment control regulations